Car games for adults

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Race car games have always been entertaining. There are a lot of other categories these days.

Car games don't have to be for kids! Here are some fun car games for adults to play on your next road trip or long journey:

Classics with a Twist:
Spruce up some well-known games to make them more interesting for adults.

License Plate Game:  Instead of just collecting state license plates,  add a challenge!  For example, give points for the most bumper stickers, or the oldest car you see.

I Spy: Up the difficulty. Instead of just saying the first letter of the object, describe it in detail or give a category, like "something blue" or "something from the 80s."

Storytelling Games:
These games encourage creativity and collaboration.

Backseat Driver: One person starts a story, and then each person takes turns adding a sentence to continue the narrative. It can get quite silly!

Would You Rather?:  Take turns asking each other "would you rather" questions with funny or thought-provoking scenarios.

Observation Games:
Test out your awareness and memory.

Alphabet Game:  Everyone takes turns finding things that start with each letter of the alphabet in order, as you see them out the window.

Road Sign Bingo: Create bingo cards with squares containing pictures or descriptions of road signs (stop sign, yield sign, etc.).  Mark the squares off as you spot the signs.

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